This Arab Is Queer - An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers Book - Elias Jahshan - editor


This Arab is Queer is a ground-breaking collection of eighteen short memoirs and essays.

Telling their truths with integrity, wisdom and wit, LGBTQ+ Arabs share their realities of what it is like to love freely in a place called home. These personal stories come from across the Middle East, the diaspora and from the most unlikely of places: living incognito in Saudi Arabia; the Libyan desert during conscripted military service; making it happen as an exile in Manhattan.

They also come from the heart - from a concert in Cairo where the rainbow flag was raised to a crowd of thousands, and from whispers between lovers, caught between the bedsheets. Contributors range from prize-winning novelists to those forced to use a pseudonym for their own safety.

Here, for the first time, queer Arabs show us the view from where they stand; opening a window into a bigger, brighter world.

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